Explore our unique wood engravings—handcrafted, scanned, and laser engraved onto walnut basswood.

Each piece is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece, showcasing the natural beauty of the wood.

Accompanied by a signed certificate of authenticity, our creations are a testament to our dedication to craftsmanship.

Aaronic Blessing #1

'The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace' Num. 6:23b–26

Aaronic Blessing #1

Aaronic Blessing #2

'The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace' Num. 6:23b–26

Aaronic Blessing #2

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

'Pray for the peace of Jerusalem,

They shall prosper that love thee'

Psalms 22:6

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

10 Commandments

Ex. 20

10 Commandments

Shema Israel

'Hear, O Israel, the LORD is our GOD,

the L-rd is One.' Deut. 6:4

Shema Israel

Spiritual Warfare - Men

Eph. 6: 13-17

Spiritual Warfare - Men

Spiritual Warfare - Women

Purim celebrates the deliverance of the Jewish people from the wicked Haman in the days of Queen Esther of Persia.

Spiritual Warefare - Women

The Lord is my Shephard

The Lord is my shephard

I will not want.

Psalm 23

The Lord is my Shephard

Our Father

Our Father who art in heaven

Hallowed by thy Name...

Matthew  6: 9-13

Our Father

Shalom #1

Shalom #1

A Greeting of Peace.
(Grapevine, doves, olive branches,
& menorah)

Shalom #1

Shalom #2

A Greeting of Peace.
(Sun, moon and stars, joyful people, doves, Israeli village, olive branches, flowers)

Shalom #2

Shalom #3

A Greeting of Peace.

English and Hebrew
(Grapevine, doves, olive branches,
& menorah)

Shalom #3

We will serve the LORD

'As for me and my house,

we will serve the LORD'.

Joshua 24: 15

We will serve the LORD

Peace in the Home

(Doves, olive branches, menorah)

Peace in the Home

I Am The Vine

'I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.' John 15:5

(vine branches and grapes)

I Am The Vine


'For Wisdom is better than rubies,

And all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her.' Prov. 8:11

(owl, stars, vine and flowers)


Oklahoma: Sooner State

State Map,
Scissor Tail birds,
and Oil Well

Oklahoma: Sooner State

Oklahoma: Proud

State Map,
Oklahoma Shield emblem

Oklahoma: Proud

Route 66: Mother Road

Route 66 Shield

Route 66: Mother Road

Tulsa: Proud

Tulsa Flag Logo

Route 66: Mother Road
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